The author
son of a high school science teacher in Shillington (town where he moved shortly after birth), attended the ' Harvard College, graduating with honors, then moved to a time Britain where he attended the Ruskin School of Fine Arts in Oxford . A twenty-three years, in 1955, began working in the drafting of the "New Yorker . Two years later, in 1957 resigned and moved to the countryside to devote himself entirely to writing. The New Yorker published his first poems , stories and articles of literary criticism . The poems appeared in the newspaper were published in the first collection The same port ( The Same door) in 1959, while the first short stories and essays were collected in the telephone poles ( The telephones poles , 1963 ). Success came with the short novel Day hospice ( The poorhouse fair , 1959). His best stories of the time appeared in the collection of pigeon feathers ( Pigeon feathers , 1962). The novels that made him famous are those that constitute the so-called "Rabbit Series". The first of the series is Rabbit Run (Run Rabbit ), published in 1960 . The "Rabbit" novel's protagonist is a sample of basketball that suddenly decides to change his life, in a sense regressive and nostalgic , recovery of lost youth, but also authentic, anarchic and vital looking for a 'utopia , a collective dream. The novels in the series, written later in the life of the writer, are Rabbit Redux (Rabbit returns , 1971), Rabbit Is Rich ( Rabbit is rich, 1981) finally Rabbit At Rest ( Rabbit rests , 1990), and the short story Rabbit Remembered. He also wrote another series of novels, centered on a character semi-autobiographical named Bech: Bech: a book ( Bech: A Book , 1970 ), Followed Bech is back (again Bech, 1982, published in Italian under the title Down and Out in the world ). There are some novels erotic theme or double room: Couples ( couples, 1968) and Marry me (Marry me , 1976) plots in which there is a strong element of ambiguity and playful exchange. The Updike's favorite subjects are the small towns of the American province, the middle class bourgeois. Updike has been a professional writer and productive fast, and has published an impressive narrative works. He has written novels in all twenty-two and thirteen collections of short stories, as well as collections of poetry, essays, literary criticism and children's books. One of his 1984 novel , The Witches of Eastwick , was transposed into ' homonymous fiction film. But neither should we underestimate the above-mentioned activities of a literary critic (and sometimes artistic) in the pages of "New Yorker , often at the center of lively intellectual discussions. For the two novels, Rabbit Is Rich ( Rabbit is Rich) and Rabbit at Rest ( Rabbit rests ) Updike was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction . John Updike has also twice won the Prix O. Henry for short stories. He was nominated several times for the Nobel literature prize . His last two novels Villages (Villages , 2004) and Terrorist (Terrorist, 2006), published in Italian by Guanda have been accepted as masterpieces by critics. Overall, this author has sold books for a total circulation of millions of copies. As for his style, "his writing was elegant, characterized by an innate ability psychological description of the characters that made it extremely vital. " Updike has died at his home in Beverly Farms after a long battle with lung cancer .
Title: Run, rabbit
Original title: Rabbit Run
Author: John Updike
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Collection: Storytellers Phoenix
Publication: 2003 (first published in 1960)
ISBN: 8882464989
Pages: 297
Price: € 17.50
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