Arjen Lucassen is one of those privileged few who have an innate talent for music. So much so that, having received a single training (mostly self-taught), is able to play with virtuosity amazing variety of instruments, as well as write and compose a work of incredible beauty The Human Equation. Arjen Lucassen Ayreon is .
This work is a Rock Opera with a capital, a drama with characters of all kinds each embodied by a different guest vocalist, most notably James LaBrie of Dream Theater and Mikael Åkerfeldt of Opeth . But it does not stop there: among the guest musicians are nothing less than Ken Hensley of Uriah Heep to Hammond, Oliver Wakeman (son of Rick Wakeman , which left its name) on keyboards, and many others who bring their no small part to build with love and care this masterpiece.
begins with the main character (James LaBrie ) in a coma after an accident. With him in the room are his best friend (Arjen Lucassen ) and his wife (Marcela Bovio of Elfonía ). The protagonist develops a whole inner world in which emotions and thoughts (Ira the Love , the Pride The Reason ...) take shape and interact with him listening, speaking, confusing and fight until we get to see things clearly and be a man again. Throughout this journey, the character faces his own past, old fears and traumas that have to overcome, while the exterior is rather the concern of his expectant wife and best friend, who did not leave in any time.
The album is divided into 20 sections, and correspond to the 20 days that the player remains in a coma.
Musically it is a work rich in nuances, in which each character has its own personality (the great voices here take part in charge of it) and creates its own atmosphere, building a world of sensations as they interact. We have strong pieces, more modest, playful, tense, dreamlike, romantic ... a wide range of sensations for everyone.
PD: The Best Music has published a list of the 25 best songs of the history of Rock , in which bloggers have taken part 26 (the list I sent you can see it here ). I think the result is magnificent, and some have spoken of a compilation made for the car with these issues. Since then, I'll do it. Thanks to the team The Best Music for this initiative.
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