Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much Of My Tax Goes To Nhs?


Ten years, Tinh Nguyen Ari finds himself on the bottom of a boat impregnated odors and motor oil, with another two hundred Vietnamese live in a refugee camp in Malaysia. A hellish crossing where, at the same time, the paradise everyone dreams of a "bank" and a new story after the shattering of the Vietnam War and the communist re-education camps. When will land with his family in Canada, the child will try to "look far, far ahead", but not lose the traces of the past, "fragments, scars and glimmers" that try to pick up the threads of a story broken and divided into two. The narrative splinters then rely on a continual oscillation time and the language becomes liquid and water such as rivers, the sea and the feminine principle that rocks and houses. Ru Moreover, the original title of the book, in Vietnamese means "lullaby" and in French, the language in which the narrator writes, "small stream". This novel, surprising beauty and craftsmanship, was an instant success in Canada and France won the Grand Prix RTL-Lire 2010.
The author
Kim Thuy, born in Saigon, he lives in Montreal, Canada. She was an interpreter, a lawyer, a restorer, gourmet chef and columnist. Riva is his first novel, best seller in Canada and France where he won the Grand Prix RTL / Lire 2010.
Title: Riva
Author: Kim thui
Publisher: Knight Bus
Collection: Fiction
Publication: 2010
ISBN: 8874522479
Pages: 156
Price: € 14.00


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