The author
Alexander Eliot (born April 28, 1919 ) is an American writer born in Cambridge, Massachusetts , known for its works on spirituality and the myth. Among his books " Myths universal : Heroes , Of , cheaters, and other " , " I myths global : exploration primitive, pagan , sacred , and mythologies scientific " , and" Myths timeless : as the ancient legends Influence Modern World " . Eliot is the husband of writer Jane Winslow Eliot , author of " Around the world by mistake " . Together they product the film "The Secret of Michelangelo - Every Man 's Dream " , that appeared on television in prime time ABC in 1967-68. The couple was married in 1952. He Eliot said: \u0026lt; Life is an adventure fatal . You will have a single end . So why not make a wider-ranging and free can ? >.
Title: The universal myths
Subtitle: heroes, and tricksters
Author: Alexander Eliot
Publisher: Blacks Pozza
Publication: 1996
8873055532 Pages: 280
Price: € 18.08
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