Monday, March 7, 2011

How Long To Live Anorexic


In a castle in the Maremma Tuscany near Bolgheri of Carducci, arrives Friday in June of 1895 the cumbersome and mustachioed Pellegrino Artusi. Precedes the fame of his celebrated "The science of cooking and the art of eating well," the lively and cultured cookbook, first of its kind, which invented the Italian culinary tradition. But that's a great chef is well known that not all benefits from the castle, where he lives the family of Baron Romualdo Bonaiuti, group tenaciously addicted to anything. The form the two sons, Gadda, an amateur poet who hopes to meet Carducci, and Lapo, hunter maids and farmers, the daughter Cecilia, a talented but folded occupations affairs with women and the old baroness Hope that watches over everything from his wheelchair, the maid of honor that would only be invisible, and the two cousins \u200b\u200bspinsters. In addition, numerous servants, which stand out the brilliant cook, the butler Theodore, and the proud and busty waitress Agatina. At the same time the cook came to the castle of letters Mr. Ciceri, a photographer, what is he doing to the castle is not clear, as indeed also Artusi. In this human and a bit 'suspect entourage, the crime falls cold. Theodore is found poisoned and soon after a gunshot wounded severely Baron Romualdo. The suspects followed the road simple, to the poor Agatina. Pellegrino Artusi will be to give the police officer of the tips to find the right track.
The author
Malvaldi Marco was born in Pisa on January 27, 1974 . Research Fellow at the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry of ' University of Pisa, made his debut in fiction in 2007 with the yellow card games in five . Its yellow, edited by Sellerio and written with some vein of vernacular Pisa, tell amusing investigative surveys of four elderly patrons of the Gleam, Ampelio, Aldo, Rimediotti and Del Tacca, and the bartender Massimo.
Title: fustiness
Author: Marco Malvaldi
Publisher: Sellerio
Collection: memory
Publication: 2011
ISBN: 8838925443
Pages: 198
Price: € 13.00


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